Monday, August 23, 2010

ATTN Obama suportes - Oil hit another record HIGH today !?

How much higher must it go before the DON'T DRILL DEMOCRATS ';change'; their tune

Or is Obama's ';change'; just more of same (no drilling)

Do Obama surporters really want the US economy to collapse just so rich Obama liberals won't have to see oil rigs 50 miles off the coast of Malibu?

Do Obama supporters really think that drilling for oil in the middle east is somehow better for the environment than drilling here under the watchful eye of the EPA?

What about all the high paying jobs created by oil exploration?

You'd really rather these jobs be outsourced to the middle east and Venezuela?ATTN Obama suportes - Oil hit another record HIGH today !?
Xactly!!! I thought the same thing earlier today while reading a news story about oil prices setting still another record!

But don't expect the supporters of Barak ';I Would Have Preferred A More Gradual Change'; Obama to get your point...or the Dem. We-Love-Al Gore Congress to change their ways.

edit@additional details: BINGO again! You are exactly right about the problem with drilling on leased land. That is NOT where the oil is. And as for those who say that drilling now won't affect oil prices for 10 years...they have to be kidding. As voliatile as the oil market is, any piece of news that could affect supply and demand has an immediate psychological effect and the prices react. The very fact that we have decided to drill and become more energy independent would signal the oil countries and the oil speculators that is time to sit up and take notce as they have finally overplayed their argue otherwise, as Obama supporters are attempting to do, is to indicate a real lack of understanding of basic economics and a fundamental unwillingness to face reality.ATTN Obama suportes - Oil hit another record HIGH today !?
Oh, get off it. Ask yourself why nothing was done about drilling when the Republicans controlled all three branches of the government for six years. This is just an election ploy. The oil companies ae sitting on tens of millions of acres of proven reserves and not drilling them because they want to keep supply low and make more money.

It has nothing to do with Obama or the Democrats, and if you think so, you either haven't done any independent research or you have your head in the clouds. Think, man, think!


Some politicians, including President Bush and Sen. John McCain, are urging Congress to lift bans on oil and gas exploration and drilling off the U.S. coast, pitching it as a short-term solution.

Industry experts however have said there is no way it could be.

If the ban were lifted tomorrow, it could still be 20 years before full-scale productivity, they say.

';If you opened it up today, it would take about 10 years for production to begin and it would take about another 10 years before you reach peak productions,'; said Philip Budzik, an energy information administration analyst.

Presently, 574 million acres of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) off the coasts of Florida, California, and the eastern seaboard are off-limits for drilling.

The Mineral Management Service (MMS) estimates resources in these areas total 18 billion barrels of crude oil and 77 trillion cubit feet of natural gas.

If Congress were to allow drilling, several steps would need to taken before oil began flowing.

First, the MMS would examine environmental work that needed to be done on a prospective drilling site. Then the highest bidding oil company would lease the site. Once the company is awarded a lease would have to submit an exploration plan, approved by the MMS.

During exploration, if initial drilling proves successful, a permanent platform is built with a few oil wells, but not enough wells to reach full production levels. Over a number of years, more wells are built to maximize production.

This process could potentially take longer than two decades in deeper waters.

';Deep water drilling rigs are in short supply right now. There's a waiting list of a couple years before producers could be able too use them in the deep water,'; Mr. Budzik said.

Allowing drilling on the OCS is only part of the solution to the U.S.'s oil problems, Ron Planting economist at the American Petroleum Institute believes. Mr. Planting proposed some immediate steps the government can take to limit foreign oil dependence and decrease oil prices.

Currently, 60 percent of America's oil is imported. In the next twenty years the world's largest single source of energy could rise to $186 a barrel as U.S. imports are only expected to decrease by 6 percent, according to a recent study by the Energy Information Administration.

';In the short term, the biggest thing we can do is continue to improve our energy efficiency,'; Mr. Planting said. ';Even if things do turn out well [with offshore drilling] its going to take time to do that and wouldn't it be better to start on that now with consideration of how we're going to live our lives?';
How high will prices go before people like you you get serious about conservation and alternative energy sources? Plenty of jobs and money can be created there.

More oil for America is like more heroin for junkies or more booze for alchoholics.

And Yes, more drilling WILL NOT bring down prices. OiI is sold in a worldwide market and worldwide demand continues to rise. Try to figure out something to do about THAT.
They can't be reasoned with. They actually like the fact that fuel prices are high and climbing higher.

Obama, Al Gore and the Environmentalist all said so.

They don't care about the average American who is only trying to make a living, put food on the table, and clothes on the backs of their children.

After all, they are far removed from the plight of the common person, right?
Well, they have not realized that the ';Change'; Obama wants to bring about are the same disastrous policies Jimmy Carter espoused. He has no new policies, just the same old ones that harmed our country so much before. Thats why he appeals to young people so much, none of them are old enough to remember any of that time.
Obama was right on the drilling. McCain is just pandering again like he did with the gas tax holiday. Do some research for yourself and stop trying to blame everything on Obama because he's black. You are afraid your white supremacy days are number. YOU NEED TO BLAME BUSH!

You are misquoting Obama again.
Obama is an idiot. At least McCain had the brains to flip flop on this one.
The Bush family is home counting their profits.
they just dont get it! hes wants to end nafta yet buy oil from terrorist instead of drilling! so what if the price dont change! atleast the cash goes to american oil!
Is it $5.50 yet! Those OB supporters are as crazy as craze itself.
Grand Oil Party ';GOP'; wants more oil to make more money too bad...
** clap clap for that **

god help us ALL if he makes it into the white house :)
domestic drilling will NOT bring down the price of gas !!!

(if you have a source that says otherwise)

until then..please don't B.S. us !!


I see that you CAN'T give a real source

your just full of hot air !

even Bill O'Reilly says that ..

';we can't drill our way out of this mess';

as for the Oil companies

they say that the leases they have contain an estimated Six times the amount of oil in ANWAR.

and the leases they have that Don't have oil.. they give those back to the feds Because why would they pay to lease land that has No oil !!!!!!

The are spending Billions to get the oil from their good leases and will continue to do so !!!!!

and the oil we drill get from Our oil fields will be sold on the open market (duh)

please don't say you have ';facts'; unless your willing to share your source !!!!!

as for high paying jobs from oil exploration

guess what... in Venezuela they hire locals !!!

and that off shore oil - our children would love it if we saved some for their generation. !
The answer to your question is they don't care. They plan

on using the oil price increases against the pubs. This is

there game plan. What we need to do is counter every

broadcast soundbite. Written paragraph, with the absolute

truth. This will make them fold there tent. And Back away

from the argument. And the very same thing has to be

done with there other BS policys.
Obama is right. IMO we won't see any result for over 20 years. A spokeman for Chevron said any new drilling will not affect supply for over 7-10 years.


Obama also said that ';if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money into their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more quickly, particularly U.S. automakers, then I think ultimately, we can come out of this stronger and have a more efficient energy policy than we do right now.

This is not something that's going to give consumers short-term relief and it is not a long-term solution to our problems with fossil fuels generally and oil in particular,'; Obama said.


On Monday, McCain told reporters that permitting offshore drilling ';would be very helpful in the short term in resolving our energy crisis.'; Tuesday, he formally unveiled the proposal in a speech to oil industry executives.

What McCain wants to do is expand the offshore areas, commonly referred to as the ';outer continental shelf'; that are open to oil exploration and drilling. The OCS is composed of the ';submerged lands, subsoil, and seabed'; under the seas extending from 3 to 9 nautical miles from the U.S. shoreline, depending on the

state, to at least 200 nautical miles outward, according to the federal government.

Since 1981, there has been a federal moratorium banning any new drilling in these areas. Any rigs that were already up were permitted to continue extracting oil, and many are still operating in the Gulf Coast.

But among the biggest questions about McCain's proposal to lift the moratorium are how soon any new drilling would produce a significant flow of oil, and how much oil is sitting there in the first place. As recently as May 29, at a town hall appearance in Greendale, Wis., McCain noted that lifting the moratorium would be at best a band-aid for the

nation's energy problems and that the oil it would

provide wouldn't be available anytime soon:

';[W]ith those resources, which would take years to develop, you would only postpone or temporarily relieve our dependency on fossil fuels,'; McCain said. ';We are going to have to go to alternative energy.';

He certainly has the right to change his opinion on policy options. But the facts are more in line with his earlier statement that drilling would not offer short-term relief for energy prices. The Energy and Information Administration concluded in a 2007 report that:

EIA: The projections in the OCS (Outer Continental Shelf) access case indicate that access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have a significant impact on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or

prices before 2030.

Something that takes 22 years to deliver significant results hardly qualifies as a ';short-term'; solution.

Why would it take so long? To vastly oversimplify: First, the government has to identify properties to be leased and hold a lease sale. Then, winning bidders need to contract with drilling rigs (all of which are booked for the next five years, according to the New York Times), drill exploratory holes and analyze core samples – ';They drilled 75 holes in the North Sea before they figured out the geology'; sufficiently to begin drilling productive wells, says Lucian Pugliaresi, president of the oil industry-funded Energy Policy Research Foundation Inc. And then, if oil is found, companies would have to order and put in place production equipment, build pipelines to get the oil to shore, and get various permits and environmental analyses every step of the way.

Update, June 24: On Monday, June 23, McCain was asked about his offshore drilling proposal at a town hall event in Fresno, Calif. According to MSNBC, he didn't claim that it would bring short-term relief in terms of supply or gas prices. Instead, he said there could be a psychological

benefit. Here's his response:

McCain, June 23: I don't see an immediate relief, but I do see that exploitation of existing reserves that may exist -- and in view of many experts that do exist off our coasts -- is also a way that we need to provide relief. Even though it may take some years, the fact that we are exploiting those reserves would have psychological impact

that I think is beneficial.

McCain supported the drilling moratorium; now he against it. I agree this is president Bush fault. You always want to criticize Obama. Point the finger that at yourself for voting for Bush.
Bush economics!

Never elect an oil man as your president.

Why don't the oil companies drill on the millions of hectares they have now??? Why push for something that will only meet 2% of the energy needs of America? Why push for something that won't effect gas prices for another 10-20 years and even by then, there will be 100 million more cars on Chinas road, increasing the demand for more oil.

Even better...why don't we just cut back use??? Is it that hard, after all, we are 3% and use 25% of the worlds oil we really need to use THAT much oil??
I'm far from being an Obama supporter, but supply isn't the issue in this case. The issue is the US economy. If they President and congress would get it together and balance the budget, the ecnomy would improve, prices would decrease.

For the millionth time, ask the oil companies when they are going to drill their leases. Democratic congressman don't own the companies that do the work.
Peak oil is happening, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. It's time to move on and diversify our energy supply, we're already about 20-30 years behind.

PS Not all liberals are Obama supporters.
Party time for BUSH family
its not like we can use the oil 2 day anyway!
I see lots of blame on the democrats, for a policy started by two arch conservatives. In 81, the GOP lead congress, at the request of Reagan, passed the first oil drilling ban in protected areas. Then, Bush Sr, it the request of Jeb, and his GOP friends in Florida, passed an executive order prohibiting off shore drilling in the coastal waters. Add to that our refineries are running at 100% capacity, and that it will take a decade to actually get the new oil into the system, why does the GOP think it will help to drill now? Don;t they know its embarrassing that they refuse to realize the truth, and that CUTTING OIL USE is the ONLY way to lower prices?

Conservatives are hopelessly uneducated and brainwashed on this subject. Allow me to educate you.

1.) Of the top 14 oil and gas producing states, 12 reached their peak production prior to 1972, so no, environmentalism isn't to blame. That's just the nature of non-renewable energy. One of the 2 remaining states is Alaska, which peaked in 1989. The other is California, which peaked in 1985, so it definitely can't be pinned on the environmentalists.

2.) There are over 1800 rigs drilling all over the US today including over 61 in the Gulf of Mexico. Most companies have a multi-year backlog of wells already permitted, there just aren't enough rigs to drill them all at once. Source: American Petroleum Institute rig count: Oil and Gas Journal

3.) The government has approved over 25,000 wells to be drilled on federal lands in the 5-state Rocky Mountain Region of the US. 19,000 of those wells have already been drilled, leaving a backlog of 6,000 wells that can be drilled anytime the oil companies feel like it. This doesn't even include wells on private lands, which are even less restricted.

4.) Jeb and George Bush established a moratorium preventing any drilling rigs within sight of land off the Florida coast. That ban was requested by real estate speculators, not environmentalists.

5.) There have been thousands of permits issued to expand, update, and improve existing refineries since the Clean Air Act went into effect. They could just as easily get permits to build new refineries if they wanted to. The oil companies prefer to expand and modernize existing refineries since it is cheaper than building new ones. Source: 15 years working in the refining business. Example1:…

Example 2:…

6. 27% of US production currently comes from the Gulf of Mexico and there are 61 rigs drilling there today, so NO, it is NOT off limits, despite what your dim-witted right-wing programmers tell you. Where do conservatives get such silly, uninformed ideas?

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