Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why not rich Muslim countries (that produce oil) help the world today by multiplying the oil productivity?

Take pre emptive measure by controlling the price of oil to remain below USD100 per barrel.

The price goes up due to higher demand %26amp; less supply. If producers of oil are greedy enough, they are happy to see the soaring price %26amp; will not bother to multiply their productivity capacity.

As such the gulf countries should initiate the cooperation between all oilproducers to meet up the demand. Adding up the capacity %26amp; producing more barrels per day.

We (oil producing Muslim countries0 will be able ease the people worlwide especially poor countries %26amp; that good deed is encouraged by Allah %26amp; Rasullullah saw.Why not rich Muslim countries (that produce oil) help the world today by multiplying the oil productivity?
To begin with, it is nothing to do with religion. It is the basic selfishness of people who wants to get richer. I mean just look at the muslim countries, how many are the really rich ones, many are still being catergorize as 3rd world country.

It is not about religion, the bottom of everything is just selfishness and gaining power over the situation, which in a sense the muslim countries did got it. That is y they can go so many years into war and not go poor. The richest person honestly is may not be anyone on forbes magazine, they are really the ones out there that can fight the war in long period of time and still live the life. Just look at the Iraq war, how much is thrown into it, so when u think about oil prices, where do u think the money comes from...Why not rich Muslim countries (that produce oil) help the world today by multiplying the oil productivity?
You're right. It seems that greed for money, and the US's greed for energy (we use 25% of hte worlds resources) is causing an alarming inbalence. While the oil should be addressed, we should also be addressing our own counrty to see why we think we should use up that much energy!

I know gas is expensive right now, but if I'm correct, we're still paying the least for it. I feel that we all just need to start being honest and try to find other means of energy.
Its actually more complicated than that really. Supply and demand play a factor, but the current oil price is artificial.

INcreasing the supply would drop the oil prices, but they shouldn't be this high to begin with.
Well if it's that simple,why hasn't it happened?The truth is a greedy bunch of fat arabs hold the world at bay.One of these years,oil won't be needed then those greedy so-and-sos can go and get an honest job.
They do not help even other poor Muslim countries. Most of the aid they give in those countries are for running Madrassas or Mosques to further their agenda of spreading Islam
Simply, They do.

These are distributors who create artificial demand.
well then get to it

Prices of every thing they import have been doubled and tripled for them. They pay ten times higher for military hardware as compared to what they paid in ninties.

Why should they produce more oil and get paid less. Oil is going to dry up under the oil fields. It will not be available for ever. What will they do afterwards. United States has more oil underneeth their lands more than the rest of the world's producing countires.

I read the following statement written by an American oil Marketeer

in an American magazine in eighties when oil barrel was less than $15.00. He wrote we are getting oil real cheap. We must continue importing all the oil we can and save our own oil for future when the world oil fields will dry up. Do you then Oil Producing countries should be buying oil from America at $200-300 dollars per barell.
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