Monday, August 23, 2010

Today in the modern world,Is there nobody to stop America from stealing arab's oil wealth?

will china,russia,n-korea keeps quiet at the western influence in middle east?Today in the modern world,Is there nobody to stop America from stealing arab's oil wealth?
We the American people have to stop our politicians by voting for a CHANGE.Today in the modern world,Is there nobody to stop America from stealing arab's oil wealth?
Yes, America in oppotunities to gain more arab oil will defeat itself.

It's only a matter of time.

Soon enough the Muslim nations will unite against this devil and banish him once and for all
What an idiot. The oil has no value unless you sell it to people who buy it. Maybe the western nations should quit sending free food and medicines to Arab nations and they could learn how to eat their oil wealth. Do you think if the western nations charged 75 dollars for a bushel of wheat or rice you would be asking such a stupid question. What happens to your oil wealth when an alternative fuel is developed and nobody needs the oil that God put in the ground. Of course your Mullahs would find some other reasons to make you feel inferior to the rest of the world. Iran has oil out the *** and yet they must ration gas and 40 per cent of their people our sucking on the government tit to survive. Of course you could eat your camel and walk, which would give you more time to lament on how ignorant and stupid your religious leaders want to keep you.
a nation is governed until making tool .china , rusia keep quit
Very good question. But do you think that China and Russia dosn't have some deals with the states in this problem?
It's only a matter of time.....
Nope, we are going to take it all sucker!!! No one is going to stop us!!!! hahahahahahahahah (maniacal laugh)

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