Monday, August 23, 2010

Front page news in Australia today is that we are in iraq for oil?,,nsw,00.html

this is odd as [daily telegraph] is our highly conservative newspaper. is our liberal paper.

is this being declared in the US as well?Front page news in Australia today is that we are in iraq for oil?
It's always been discussed ever since WMDs didn't turn up in troves, and since the terrorists of 9/11 were not Iraqi.Front page news in Australia today is that we are in iraq for oil?
I never doubted it.
people are waking up and smelling coffee. we are also there because we wanted new bases in the mid east, we were not welcome in saudi arabia anymore we also had lost control of saddam and they wanted a new puppet government
Well, that shouldn't be surprising for anyone with a brain.

That's the only reason Bushie and the boys invaded that country - control of the oilfields...that's what it's all about.

Many in my country don't have the education or the knowledge - nor the interest in getting the FACTS by reading, listening and researching.... They just blabber along totally clueless.
Yeah, it was known a long time ago because the terrorists in 911 were all from Saudi Arabia. Iraq had nothing to do with it other than being the scape goat and Bush loves oil.
Lol, yea they said the same thing in Desert Storm, never did see all the oil they were talking about. The simplicity of people's minds is truly dangerous.
thats a misleading article. The title misleads you as to what its about.
Ok who ratted on us? Scooter?

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