Friday, July 30, 2010

Help!! I toke castor oil to induce labor at 2 today it is now 1 am how long should i wait befor i give up?

Well i took 6 ounces straight down and i have had the (runs) all day and a few contractions here and there but nothing big its been eleven hours and still NOTHING i just wanna know how long i should wait befor i just give up on the hole ideal of it working for if you can help please share your experiencens with if you have ever used this prouduct if you have something negative to say then please just dont answer the question i wouldent like any drama Thank you so much!!!!Help!! I toke castor oil to induce labor at 2 today it is now 1 am how long should i wait befor i give up?
wow there are so many negative comments! Sorry you've had the runs all day. Castor oil can work, it just won't work if your body isn't ready to deliver, which is a good thing because you want to make sure the baby is in the right position to deliver. If Castor oil was so bad for you they wouldn't sell it in the stores, you would have to get a prescription from a doctor and a lot of doctors and nurses wouldn't be recommending it if it would cause harm to your baby so don't worry. My friend took castor oil and she was lucky, she didn't get sick at all and she delivered her baby perfectly healthy the next day. A word of advice, just make sure you are full term and are at least starting to dialate. I don't see anything wrong if you plan on trying again, just make sure you are hydrated the entire time and try not to do it right after you eat because what goes in must come out. There are so many pro's and con's about Castor Oil, but you really need to just go by your own experience. I have gestational diabetis and my baby is bigger than average so I plan on inducing him in a few weeks because I will not be able to carry him to the full 40 weeks and I plan to try the oil first and then if it doesn't work I will be having the doctor induce him. But don't listen to the negativity, theres nothing wrong with you wanting to induce your baby if he is ready to go. Look on google for different recipes to use castor oil with if you plan to try it again, it may just be that you got sick because the oil didn't mix with something you ate or drank. From what I'm told the castor oil is meant to make your intestines go into action which hits your uterine muscles assisting them to go into contractions, but it is completely normal to get the runs. Even woman who don't induce sometimes still go to the bathroom during labor, its normal. and it does happen. I found this link while researching Castor oil, it has tons and tons of stories of women who used it to induce and with some it worked and some it didn't, some it worked with the first pregnancy than the pregnancy after nothing at all. Don't stress on the negativity of comments you get from this post, pregnancy is just one of those things where EVERYONE thinks they are a doctor. People can be so judgemental forgetting that every woman's body is different and no two pregnancies are the same. If you do plan on inducing again good luck to you, hopefully not as much runs next time and good luck to you during your labor! :) The link below helped me with understanding the oil more, hope it helps you!Help!! I toke castor oil to induce labor at 2 today it is now 1 am how long should i wait befor i give up?
how far are you? how many weeks? sometimes it wont work if your body isnt ready....... try walking......... up stairs and around the house.... please make sure you drink alot of fluids you can become dehadrated very quick....... try walikng alot. it might help....... it did when i took it the last two times. and it worked..... good luck
I wonder why people suggest caster oil. I believe that the runs are all that really comes from that. I would suggest doing some squats. Try putting an exercise ball on your back and up against the wall, then roll the ball up your back by squating down. This will help the baby move to the pelvic area. Also, taking walks around your neighborhood. Walking helps bring on the labor. This is a tough time(last days of pregnancy). Try some relaxation or meditation practices to calm your self before giving birth. You will be on to the next phase of your life soon enough. Enjoy the quiet time while you can.
I've heard that usually it just gives you the runs like you stated. Very seldom does it make a woman go into labor before her body is ready. I do know, however, that having sex toward the end of your pregnancy will have a better chance of inducing labor because the orgasm makes your uterus contract. You're better off doing a bunch of cardio and having sex. That's what my dr. says.
actually, i think she deserved the runs,,,why cant you just wait until nature takes it course,,theres a little baby in there that doesnt want to be screwed around with until its time to be screwed with
That's an old wives tale that doesn't work.You could hurt your could become dehydrated from the runs,lose nutrition...bad idea to do anything to bring the baby before it is ready..maybe it's lungs need just a little more time to develop..having a baby fighting for air would make you very sorry.just be patient and careful..think of it like baking a cake.if you take it out before it is ready,it's ruined.take it easy and imagine your baby growing healthy and strong everyday it stays longer it will be more developed.
Right NOW. Baby's come- when baby's come. The MINUTE you STOP worrying about it, - will be the minute your Contractions will start. So find a good movie to watch on TV, make a big bowl of popcorn- %26amp; enjoy yourself. Odds ARE- you'll never get to see the end of the movie... Good luck! :)
Actually, in recent studies castor oil has been found to be potentially dangerous to the should have done some research first...and it wont help speed up labor either.
You really need to let your doctor know you have taken this and how much of it. It is extremely dangerous for the fetus. He/She will ingest the castro oil and end up having a bowel movement in the womb. The baby can then inhale it's own bowel movement and get a very serious lung infection. How far along are you in your pregnency? Call you doctor right now.
castor oil dont work if you really want to go in to labor at you next Dr appt ask if the DR will strip you normally this will cause you to go in to labor with in 24 hours i was striped at 3pm and had my baby at 5:47am the next morning
I would give up on it working. What happens it that it does cause the runs, which then causes the uterus to contract. Yes, it can give you contractions but, they are only false labor contractions from the upset of having the runs. I tried this and had really bad cramping and contractions that lasted for hours and hours but, when I went to the hospital, it turned out to be the false labor. I didn't dialate any and I am still waiting( 2 weeks later). I have given up on ways to bring on labor and know that the day will come when he wants to come out.
I think it's time to give up. Castor oil doesn't work, hon- you'll only go into labor when it's time. I'm sorry you had to get the runs to learn that lesson...
It's a good rule of thumb that if you try something that effective and it does not work, your body and the baby just aren't ready. Even in a hospital with strong drugs like pitocin and the like, if a baby is not ready to come, nothing will work.

I recommend waiting another few days before trying again, simply because you dont' want to dehydrate yourself, which can really complicate matters for you and the baby. Also, there is a theory that what makes your bowels move can also make the baby's move, which means her first bowel movement could be inutero and she could breathe it in and suffocate when born or have a very hard time breathing (or even get an infection).

Do be careful and use it in moderation. Good luck and I hope she comes soon! I am one day from my due date and VERY ready to get her out too, but not much is working with me I am just going to wait and watch and hope that she makes up her mind to make her appearance very soon.

Hope that helps.

PS go for a long long walk. Go out to the park or walk down town for a good 3-4 hours, keep yourself hydrated and REALLY get some good walking in and see if that helps. The pressure of the baby's head on your cervix can release hormones that can put you into labor. Also, look up some acupuncture and reflexology for getting contractions going....that can help soften your cervix and get your body more ready to go into labor.

Good luck. :)

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