I agree. Didn't the Dems come to power in the Congress on the promise of lower gas prices last time around? Yes... they did. Seems they just say whatever is needed to get elected, and then go right back to being Democrats once they are.Should America now dump the DEM Congress with today's ';No'; vote against drilling for oil?
Bush's dad was the one who set the moratorium on drilling, which is different than a ban by the way.
Why can't we drill in the land that has already been approved to drill in?? There are millions of acreage in the USA that has been approved to drill in but the oil companies are not drilling there. How can so many be so blind? Why focus on this off shore stuff? It's all politics and many people are not seeing the forest for the trees on this one.
The Democrats are all about punishment. They have NO plan for America so they should be allowed to regroup again to formulate one!
To all of those decrying foul about Oil leases...
Many of the leases for drilling are in areas of oil sands and oil shale.. These areas produce very poor grade oil in comparison to the ';single refine'; sweet crude that we are currently buying... Yes the oil is there.. its just more costly to produce and refine than buying the higher grade from overseas.
It would be nice but lets face it they are better at laying blame on Bush and conservatives.
Nanci and Harry have been a disaster so far. When they took over gas was less than 2.50$/gal now it is over 4$ so they are too blame in my book.
This problem goes back to the 70s when the Dems ran congress also.
No, since there is no supply shortage.
It is proof that Bush is a liar.
There is also no ban on offshore drilling. That is a misconception and an outright lie.
More miles of our coastline were opened in 2006 and not one rock has yet to be touched to begin drilling.
No, I trust the dem congress. They came into the mess that the rep. created. I don't trust these republicans who do everything to get votes %26amp; trick stupid people. People are dying %26amp; having their lives ruined because they can't tell a liar %26amp; theif from a decent person with integrity.
No, but I wish that we could. Unfortunately there are still too many 'dumb' Americans out there to whom thinking is a difficult exercise.
This is a Reuters link. And you know that if Reuters puts out a piece uncomplimentary to liberals, it's a big deal.
yeahhhhhhhh it was just political pandering Bush /McCain knew this was a bad idea from the beginning that wasn't going to solve our problem with gas in the future . you have to remember there are many Republicans who voted against this bill also.
No, Bush should be thrown off the throne.
The oil drilled will not affect prices for the next 5 years, and will only supply a few years of oil.
This comes at the danger of destroying wildlife and spills. hardly seems worth it.
Yes, I am agreeing with that, considering gas is about $4.07
I make $6.10 That is over a 3rd of what i make an hour just to get a gallon of gas, it would be cheaper for me to quit my job than work.
It is just sad....
they are not thinking hell they are rich up there just us working
people need to worry some times I think they need to take the working people and that them run it for awhile sure as hell could do as good job as they are doing
Why not just stop exporting a million barrells a day?
I AGREE !!!!!!!!!
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