Wednesday, July 28, 2010

If Reagan had not killed the Carter Alternative fuel research where would the US be today with import oil?

you do realize that pointing out facts concerning

';Lord Reagan's'; presidency is considered an act of treason under the conservatives patriot act.

Alternative fuels does not equal ethanol or bio-diesel but it equates to any and all possible alternatives to the current use of fossil fuels.

true electric cars, hydrogen fuel cells as well as bio-fuels if developed may have kept prices down by keeping fuel cost down as well as all the other expenses associated with fossil fuels. look at the dollars wasted in the middle east protecting our vital interest as well as the life's lost, or the expense of oil spills, the lost wages from technological employment we haven't pursued, the lost wages to from a faltering industrial base that instead could have been building for the world.

DEAR Naval Station,

alternative fuels do not have to equate to higher corn prices but even if they do then savings should be seen in less subsidizes of corn crops. why subsidize a high profit farm product?

all the other savings would have more then offset one food store item such as corn................................

alas, we will never know since the program was discontinued.If Reagan had not killed the Carter Alternative fuel research where would the US be today with import oil?
About where it is today..

If this is such a viable thing why hasnt industry taken the lead?If Reagan had not killed the Carter Alternative fuel research where would the US be today with import oil?
Wondering why corndogs cost 30 dollars each and why those alternative fuels have caused so much pollution no one is able to breath. Thank GOD Reagan had a brain, unlike Carter the peanut headed farmer.
That is a GREAT question. If the Republicans hadn't killed Jimmy Carter's plans for alternative energy we would be living in a paradise today with a balanced budget.
Tony, industry doesn't always take the lead.
Woo-Hoo!! And Saint Reagan takes a hit!!

We probably wouldn't have had to attack an innocent country.

And we would also have BUTTLOADS of money since we'd be about three decades ahead of the whole freaking WORLD in green technology.

As it is, America is trailing further and further behind in this global market - which *IS* coming, no matter how loudly the Big Oil barons scream.
Further ahead. Now explain why the first Black President and Global Warming Al didn't reinstate those programs and further the cause during their time in office.

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