Monday, July 26, 2010

Is it true that oil went up to $120 a barrell today?

How high can it go? I heard that Europe ,Asia, and most of the world pays $6.00 and up . Is that true also?Thanks .Is it true that oil went up to $120 a barrell today?
No , a little over $118.00 I think ? True .Is it true that oil went up to $120 a barrell today?
It went up pretty high I don't know if it's 120.00 a barrel yet. Gas in the U.S. is supposed to hit around 6.00 a gallon this summer. I wonder how many ppl will have starve and freeze to death, before tree huggers shut up and let us drill our OWN oil here in the U.S.
i believe it. it keeps going up. what happened to UNITED states of America? the government doesn't care about our own people anymore.
I don't know about Europe and Asia - but in some places in Michigan, went from $3.44 to $3.90 today - how sad :(
Y131 a liter out in japan. which is about 5.40 a gallon

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