Monday, July 26, 2010

If we had not invaded Iraq for oil, would the cost still be as high today?

That's assuming you believe the war was ultimately for oil and power. Answer yes or no with your reasons. If we had not invaded Iraq for oil, would the cost still be as high today?
Iraq was not invaded for oil, that is a smokescreen to hide the fact that Iraq was invaded to knock out an enemy of Israel. America was conned into invading Iraq by supporters of Israel

Edit Thanks Caroline, The attack on Iraq has cost the USA trillions of $ and weakened the US economy, the ';friend in the middle east'; has all but ruined the USA. I personally resent paying taxes to defend IsraelIf we had not invaded Iraq for oil, would the cost still be as high today?
your confused..

bush and cheny invaded iraq to keep iraq oil off the market..

to increase the profits of all their oil friends

iraq was never about lowering oil prices..

it was about profit for the oil companies. their monopoly and price fixing..

and their puppet bush.. making it all possible.
Okay maybe you didn't get the memo.

Al Gore's Global Warming movie. It's ALL his fault. The food shortage, the oil prices, the weak and failing world economy.

It can be all traced back to him.

His movement forced the government to give incentives to farmers to grow food for bio-fuels instead of food for us and the world. The price of rice and corn TRIPPLED.

Now, we have a food crisis all over the world. It's driving the price of oil up, which is causing a world wide economic crisis.

(I just want to grab you by the hair and shout in your ear)


And Clinton was the one that signed the declaration to go to war with Iraq during his administration, not Bush.

Regardless of whether the war was for oil, it still disrupted oil supply.

As it is, I'm fairly certain it would have picked up pretty high - maybe not peaking at $140, but still high - on account of rising demand from India and China and people investing in oil to balance their losses from the housing market crash.
Fighters for freedom and democracy are ready to destroy the whole world, blow up and sink in blood any country for the sake of their frigging dollars and oil. It is necessary to sink your Bush in a barrel with oil - let will eat one's fill it, while will not burst.
It was a failed attempt to get in on the big piece of pie. Iraq makes billions on its oil, and US's costs in its involvement are staggering. As it stands, Iraq is winning big. The US is in bad economic trouble.

Why not?

Don't think it's even oil.

Luke 21.30-36

Luke 22.34, 61

Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

What do you think?

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