Friday, July 30, 2010

With oil going down today 7.00 what will the excuse be when it goes up10.00?

a. a guy in northern iran coughs

b. a rain strom in africa

c. the dollar goes up down up down

d. its george bushs faultWith oil going down today 7.00 what will the excuse be when it goes up10.00?
e. i spent all my money on crack and hookers.With oil going down today 7.00 what will the excuse be when it goes up10.00?
None of the above.....Big Oil's CEO's wife has gone back in debt again and we have to fit the bill for her! She's a shop-

a-holic and can't help herself No, the real truth is they don't

need an excuse...they can charge whatever they want and we will but it...can't blame those guys!
When gas was at $2.00 the euro was $.80 to the dollar. The euro is now at $1.60 to the dollar and gas is $4.00. Sounds like a weak dollar problem to me. Thank regulation for exporting our jobs that ultimately result in huge trade deficits.
You can see in the future?
we did not drill enough today now that we have our lords blessings to drill drill drill.
Who cares
F. Dick Cheney says so

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