Yes, I will and all he had to do was mismanage the economy into a global recession.Will anyone at least give GWB credit for the low gas and oil prices we have today?
C'mon Tejas, GWB is a moron of the umpteenth magnitude and will go down as possibly one of the worst presidents of all time. Market fluctuations in combination with uproar for alternative energy with actual plans to achieve an end game for fossil fuel has preceded this downturn in prices. Furthermore, if anyone in the administration swung that kind of influence with big oil it would have been ol' Uncle Dick-Darth Cheney. Watch these creeps disappear into the woodwork like cockroaches on 1/20/09 and see them soon turn up in Dubai-hangin' tough with all their sheik buddies figuring out how the next round of bilking the American public is going to go.
Yes ... GWB and his government's failed economic policies have led us into recession ... and what does this mean ... less money in our pockets ... less demand for fuel ... lower oil prices ... you don't have to be a genius to work it out!
(Oh, I forgot ... you're a Republican.)
So I don't know about 'God Bless America' ... you should be saying, 'God HELP America'!
Absolutley. I LOVE President Bush and i really do with he was able to run again but oh well 8 is the limit. He is my kinda sorta idol (im 14 and think he is amazin), I think he has done eerything right. and i am NOT being sarcastic i am super republcian!
No, I will not give him the credit for that because he had nothing to do with it.
Just like he didn't have anything to do with the increase in gas and oil prices.
The price of gas is low because the economy is in the crapper. He can't credit for one without getting credit for the other.
Give him credit for ruining the economy to the point that nobody is buying gas because they cant afford it. or anything else for that matter. mall was real empty when I went there last night.
This is a great achievement by george bush. Gas prices were way over $4 and now they are in the mid 1's. All this without any help from Congress who continued to sabatage anything the president tried.
Sure it was his failed economic policy that lead to this recession-
Speculators backed out of the market gas came down-
Good Job G.W.
Yes, of course I gave him credit. He ruined the economy, therefore everyone is broke and cannot afford to drive, hence the low prices.
Yep......and our security and the 7 years my stocks made a great deal of money. It has only been this year everything has gone to h***.
I truly wish him the best for at least he is a moral,kind,caring President.
While you keep drinking the oil mans kool-aid I guess we are supposed go back to sleep and ignore alternative energy sources so they keep us dependent, right?
Well yes, the current price of gasoline is directly due to Dub's tenure as prez. Not really in a good way though. Gas went back up 20 cents per gallon here today.
GWB never gets credit for anything, just blame...All of those wonderful folks who have enjoyed safety and freedom for the last 7 years while slamming GWB should thank their lucky stars that the president wasn't Gore!
No. He had no more to do with the low gas prices than he did with the high gas prices. The president is not all powerful.
Hell no, I didn't know the President controlled the gas prices. He wouldn't do anything to help out the people of this great country. He has brought us to our knees and we are praying we will survive.
ill only give him credit if you will say its his fault for the economy because thats the only reason oil is cheap at the moment.
GWB has no responsibility wether it is up and down.....simple supply and demand.....
But if you swallow the parrot line his fault when up.....
I will give him credit for a he** of a lot more than that.
Nope, but I'll give him credit for the $4 a gallon last year.
Wow! Like all republicans - you're easily fooled.
No way,not after the last eight years.
No. The American public did that when we couldn't afford it any more.
After 8 years of hell. Are you serious?
You KNOW the answer to that already!
Sure.....he only had to destroy our economy to do it....thanks W!
wow these people sure are something, i give bush credit for lower oil/gas and i give more credit to obama hes directly resonsible for the dow to crash and keep crashing driving the prices of everything down, homes/gold/oil/stocks/you name it obamas making it more worhtless
Hel* no. Whatever gave you such an idea! Didn't you know that Bush is brother to the devil himself? He can't, and won't, do anything right!
God bless GWB.
No no no... it is because of the Democrat controlled Congresses.
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